@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 2:03

Poem: Nectarine Love

Hello, everyone, and welcome to this swell. Good evening. And you know what? I don't really put out swells in the evening usually. But this poetry reading warranted me. You know, reading it out in the evening. And the reason being. The poem I wrote today was so passionate. It's so romantic and it's so erotic. I mean, I think the nighttime is the only environment that really suits it to be read. Or so I think

#poetryreading #poem #lovepoem #thoughts

Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 0:40
You. I love this one. You. I don't know if it's your voice. I don't know if it's the wording. I don't know. But you make me want to dance. You make me want to put on a long, flowing skirt and some good music and just dance. Oh, man. Like, I can visualize it. I don't know, but I really like this one. I like the word choices. Oh, candy. I love the nectarine
Lolita Eaddy
@Woodiemountain · 0:12
I love your poem. Nectarine. Love. It was really nice. Beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing
Payal Shandil Gupta
@Payal_Shandil · 1:03
You. Good morning. And I totally agree. This poem was much suited for the evening and not your morning walk. But as always, I really enjoyed it. And you're right, the poem is very vivid and describes your feelings, your thoughts, wonderfully. But somehow I miss your explanations. For me, it's kind of what made the writer write this. So this time I feel robbed of that answer. So I'm sad early in the morning. So you have to rectify that
Sudhir Sanwal
@MannKeManke · 0:15


You. Wow. This poem is really, really amazing. The tone of the poem, the words, the message. Ultimate. Very nice. All the best
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 0:49


And it really does mean a lot to me, and I enjoyed writing this one. It's something I just wanted to write like, very fun, very playful, but also has some sort of deep, passionate vibes going on with it. So thanks so much shay, and I hope you have an amazing day
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 0:11


Hello and thank you so much for enjoying this poem. I really appreciate your words and I will definitely continue sharing more of my poetry
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 1:44


On one hand, it just looks like somebody who's just enjoying this peach nectarine and enjoying this fruit. But I'm also paralleling it with sensuality, actually, that's what's going on. The passion and sensuality of how sweet love and romance can be, and especially in the beginning stages. And what's interesting is, like, if you think about a peach, the more ripe it gets, the more sweeter it is. The more you savor it
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 0:17


Hello, and thank you so much for your response on this. Well, and I'm so glad that you liked my poetry and also my narration of it. That's really encouraging for me to hear as an artist. And I hope you have a wonderful day wherever you are
Payal Shandil Gupta
@Payal_Shandil · 0:17


You the explanation is appreciated and enjoyed and loved. And yes, I have that lingering taste of your poem and your explanation playing on my tongue right now. Bye bye. Have a great day
