@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 4:49

Christmas song: Silent Night

So I may not be the brightest, I may not be the cheeriest, and I may not be the most joyful. But I'll tell you something. I make it a point that every Christmas I focus on something that's even more important, and that is the birthday of someone really, really special, someone who is special to me and a lot of people who was born on this day, and that is Jesus. And I make sure that I give my thanks

#merrychristmas #music #song #joy

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:29
Hi, Candy. Merry Christmas. And your song made my day. So as soon as I opened the swell, your swell was the first one which I heard. And your soothing voice and the lyrics that you have sung touched my heart. Thank you so much for such a wonderful and beautiful song and with which you added colors to our day and made it bright as usual. So thank you so much, candy, once again wishing you a very happy Christmas
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 3:19
Hey, Candy. Good evening. Merry Christmas to you, Candy, to your mom. Please share my kind regards with her. And Merry Christmas to your loved ones and your family. Did I ever mentioned in any of the swells that you should have a record label of your own? You should record these songs. You don't even need a studio. Trust me
Kritika Harshank
@DrK91 · 1:08
Hi Gandhi. Merry Christmas. You have a really amazing voice, let me tell you. And I do love the song silent tonight. Your description about Christmas was so real. Like, we forget why we actually celebrate Christmas. Right behind this glitz and glamour and, and all the shiny objects, the gift giving and parties and whatnot, we forget that. Why do we actually celebrate it?
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 0:16


Hello, Gauri. Thank you for your warm wishes, and I'm so glad that you enjoyed this song and that I could make your day a little brighter, a little bit more colorful, and a little bit more peaceful. So thank you, and I hope you have a wonderful day
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 2:01


I think I sing okay, I'm not that great, but I sing okay. But I'm deeply complimented. I'm deeply complimented and I'm glad that I do sing from my heart. I sing what I feel like. Whatever I'm in the mood for, it's a form of expression. So I'm glad that that has moved you and that's what's beautiful and magical for me. That I can make somebody's day or make them feel a certain way
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 0:31


Hello. Merrychristmas. Music song Joy, I'm late in wishing you back and thank you so much for listening to this song, for your sweet, kind words, your compliments, and also for sharing your thoughts. On what? On the words that I had put out. And yes, it's like sometimes we really forget why we do the things that we do. And I think Christmas is sometimes one of them. It can be about a lot of things
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 5:00

@candylives https://s.swell.life/STzWU86huyuYMB0

That's an individual perspective of their own art, their own thought process towards it. That as a person who is listening to you or someone who's reading my poems would have a different viewpoint. They would have a more Hawkeye view to it. And that's what it is. And it's not just the voice. I strongly feel, and I've heard a lot of music in my life, to be honest
Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 0:26
Hi, Candy. This song in your voice was so amazing, mesmerizing and melodious. And may this Christmas, may this new year bring lots of happiness for you. So that all the bad memories are washed away. And in the next Christmas, you smile, you enjoy, you party, you have a blast. Take care. Best you lots of success
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 0:57


Hello, Adarsh. And thank you so much for your encouragement. And not only that, the resources that you shared. You know, I'm slowly gathering my courage to take that first step. I'm letting my voice out, and I'm, like, practicing, and the next step is, like, trying to get comfortable, making a few videos. And then when I take that first step in sharing my voice, others, you'll be the first to know
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 0:38


Hello, Kadambari. And thank you for enjoying this song. And thank you for your wishes as well. And you know, that was really sweet of you. I really appreciate, you know, all the good intentions and the blessings really that you sent towards me. That you know, the next Christmas, the next year is going to be really a good year. A good year where everything bad is washed away. And that it's going to be a
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 2:53


So a constant engagement is very important. And you already have fan base. Trust me. All right? We will be rooting and hooting for you. Okay? I'll make sure the entire band comes across the bandwagon, in fact. Okay? So have a wonderful, wonderful week ahead, and I'll see you in one swell or the other. Please take care of yourself. Bye
