Cory Byrd
@Byrdseyeview · 4:34

What’cha Play’n

But I feel like Wild Hearts is doing it in a more simplistic way, where you kind of just go after the monsters. You get these different missions and stuff. You come back and you upgrade your weapons and gear, not necessarily with certain attributes to take down certain monsters. It's just more just making your character stronger, and I like that a lot better

#gaming #videogames

Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:20
What is it, a week from now? Right now. I'm actually playing Jedi survivor. I finally got around to it, and I just unlocked, I believe, the last lightsaber stance. Super cool game. I mean, probably some of the best Star Wars that's come out in many, many years. It's funny, I feel so connected to these games with Cal Kestis and all the characters, and I just feel like they do such an amazing job with the IP
Cory Byrd
@Byrdseyeview · 4:05


But, yeah, enjoy it, man. It's going to be a wild ride. I haven't even looked at any gameplay or trailers or anything because I just want to jump in, not knowing anything. So, anyway, thanks for getting back to me on this. It's really fun always to talk to people about gaming. Bye
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Romie herself
@Romiesays · 3:24


And that even extends to I normally play at one player, but whenever I've entered modes that are co op modes again, there's that real enforcement of friendliness. Like, I remember several months ago, there was like a game event that was purely just sending flowers to other people. That was it. It didn't get you bonuses particularly. You couldn't send messages along
Cory Byrd
@Byrdseyeview · 3:55


Hey, Romie, thank you so much for responding to this swell. I totally understand what you're saying about meeting up with people and just forming a community online. And I think during the pandemic, a lot of people probably did that and the companies really pulled together and really brought out a lot of so social video games and everything. And I play a little bit of genshin impact by myself. And I'm mostly a lone gamer. I don't really play with people
Romie herself
@Romiesays · 4:36


But also of the four of us, I'm really the best at solving puzzles. So frequently in the exploring. If we find a puzzle, then it becomes having to get me to the puzzle, having to basically do an escort mission because I'm not going to be able to protect myself as we go out on the excursion. But you need me to be there to be able to put together oh, I've broken sometimes like the literal code. And so it's really, really fun
Cory Byrd
@Byrdseyeview · 4:10


Mostly people I meet up that are friends from back in the day or if we get together and talk about stuff that we're playing. But it's good to connect with new people to kind of talk about gaming with. So thanks
