Dr. Tee D.
@BTWNLVRS · 3:38

Men and intimacy

Arrogance, aggressiveness, and materialism can be a mask for low self esteem and low self confidence. Some seek acceptance by excessive sexual behaviors, raunchy verbiage, and avoidance of emotions. Every woman isn't deserving of every man, just like every man isn't deserving of every woman. There's strength in controlling carnal desires and limiting them to those deserving. But take some time to uplift the men in your life. Be a lover, son, friend, or coworker

#Relationships #dating #intimacy #couples #mentalhealth

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:29

#psychology #mindset #inspire

Hey, Dr. T. Love this all encompassing swell cast here. Was pretty powerful and profound to listen to. I definitely resonate and agree with a lot of what you're saying, so I just wanted to come on and give that live feedback. Definitely think that there's a lot of healing to be done, and I think a lot of us, men and women, as you mentioned, seek acceptance through sexual intercourse and other sexual interactions. And who knows what that's a symptom of?
Dr. Tee D.
@BTWNLVRS · 0:37


You're first, let me mention how grateful I am for your well thought out response. I greatly appreciate that. And you are absolutely correct. I'm going to always wish everyone well on their journeys. We all have things to work through. We all have belief systems that were instilled in us from birth. So we're all just trying to find our way. And sometimes that ways very corrective
