Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 4:59

Daily Drive Episode 267: Who’s saving you?

But they can also be real live superheroes, like a social worker or your mentor or somebody that you look up to, and they allow you to be the person that you are. Right. But also, you can go to them to save them, or you can go to them because you might need to be saved. Right, but take the superhero out of it. And now who is saving you? Right? This is mental health awareness month. We are on day nine of it

#mham #advice #itsokay

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:46
I can think of a lot of people who inspire me to want to kind of do that work within myself, because I see that it's incredibly beneficial in many ways. Yeah. I love this question. It's really interesting. Thank you so much
