Bowie Rowan
@bowieΒ Β·Β 3:17

Travel πŸ“· Week | All I need is a puppy & a truck

When I first hit the road about a year and a half ago with my dog. He means nobody hears in the background. Her name is june bug was june 2021. I hit the road to do what I'm calling a tour of love. I had a wedding every quarter, and I decided to sell all my things and open myself up to the idea of wherever my next home home might be, because I had definitely outgrown where I was in Pittsburgh

#travelphotoweek #oklahoma #tulsa #trucks #vintage #history #roadtrips #route66

Zen Momma
@ZenMommaΒ Β·Β 4:58
I really like this post. There's several things that you said that, I don't know, just stood out to me. First, I like the name of your dog. June Bug. That's super cute. We have a zen and a ripley, and my wife and I were just discussing whether whether or not we could live a more transient lifestyle with two dogs
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 1:52
So thank you for sharing how you discovered an area that you weren't aware of and your new home and the benefits of it. Now, I can't particularly say that I would be open to visiting Oklahoma and specifically tulsa, Oklahoma. And I would like to think that in 2023, you know, the history with African Americans in tulsa, Oklahoma, if not google it is horrendous. For those reasons, I don't even think I would even try to step foot in the state
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Bowie Rowan
@bowieΒ Β·Β 1:54


So I'm grateful for the challenges, too, and I think travel and particularly being on the road, like, is such a wonderful reminder of that. So thank you so much. I'm really looking forward to hearing how your adventures go, so please post this all about it. I would love to hear and invite me along for the journey
Bowie Rowan
@bowieΒ Β·Β 3:51


Hey, JL. Thank you so much for this. Well, yes, I actually knew a bit about the history in Tulsa in particular before I moved here, because strangely enough, I discovered a bunch of things in relation to Oklahoma through several history instagram accounts I follow because I'm a bit of a history nerd, which is why Oklahoma was never on the map for me
