Shweta Joshi
@bookstabitz · 4:18

Book Review #3 : Navapashanam. The Quest for the Nine MagicL Poisons.

It is a roller coaster ride of mythology, mystery and lot of natural resources. Magical elements and natural resources. So I really enjoyed reading this book, and I'm sure you guys will also enjoy it. If you want to read or if you want to have more book recommendations, you can visit my Insta handle bookstabitz. My swell profile is also of the same name, bookstabitz. So if you search in Instagram by Bookstabitz, you will find my profile

Two women…two hundred years apart. A story of magical healing, hidden treasure, betrayal, and murder. #bookreviw, #bookrecommendation, #mythology

Ramya V
@Ramya · 1:16
There's been this very popular tv series that was also made on the whole concept of the Navasha Nalingas and their significance and how people have been trying to get hold of them for all the wrong reasons. So a book based on this premise really got my attention. And now that I've heard your review, I'm definitely going to check this book out. So thank you once again for this yet another insightful and compelling review
