Book Recommendation of the Week-Day 2: The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

Basically, when you wake up late, it depends on what you want to Callate, but when you wake up late, hit the snooze button, rush through your morning, you tend to go about your day feeling stressed, overwhelmed or uninspired, or you just don't have the will to do whatever it is that you're supposed to do. So in this book, he basically gives us a guideline. He doesn't tell us exactly what to do

#Routines #MentalWellness #SelfImprovement #S.A.V.E.R.S. Find it on and Disclaimer: I am not the author of this book.

The S.A.V.E.R.S: Silence, Affirmations, Visualization

Make your bed, then do your favors. So the first one is silence. This is where you start your day with a period of meditation, prayer or reflection or gratitude, whatever you're comfortable with amongst those. And it helps you to calm your mind, reduces your stress, and it also helps you connect with your inner wisdom, your inner peace. And as I said, depending on your beliefs. I like to start with silence. I like to start with a bit of silence, meditation

The S.A.V E R.S: Exercise, Reading, Scribing

I go running, I do jumping rope, I do cardio, I do yoga. The list is endless. And there was a time when I was very busy, but I still wanted to do my savers in the morning so I wouldn't do a very long exercise routine. I used to follow a Japanese morning exercise routine called Radio Tyson
