Books and Authors
@booksΒ Β·Β 1:42

Bookmark or Fold?

Hey, bookish swell. So here's a question for you all today, and from what I've come across, this seems to be a fairly controversial question. The debate over folding down page corners versus using a bookmark to mark your place in a book. While I do know it's good book etiquette, especially if the book you're reading is a borrowed one or a library book, you definitely need to not fool down on the pages or crack open the spine or defile it in any way

#askswell #books #reading #bookworm

Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepperΒ Β·Β 0:20
Hey, bookmark all the way. Don't be don't be that person. That dog ears. Your books. No, bookmark. Bookmark. Bookmark. Just even thinking of a dog ear. Don't do that. Don't fold don't fold them
Tracy Hansen
@momma2bubbasΒ Β·Β 1:41


I think it kind of defaces the book in a way. But I also understand that that was a way to save a place in a book for many, many years. So I find myself not going that route anymore. I definitely can say that I have folded corners in books, but it's been the last few years. I'd say that I've realized, like, no use a bookmark. Interesting question
faith s
@fasΒ Β·Β 0:58
I mean, I think paperback is a bit more you can be less precious about it, but with something like Mongo or Hardback, it's definitely something that doesn't invite folding or writing


I think not. Folding corners is something that was said to me so many times when I was younger. And most of my books came from the library, so I just didn't the only time I ever do it is with a magazine, maybe, or one of my puzzle books. But I have then always preferred BOOKMARKS. But I would always get annoyed because they could slip out of the book or you could drop them or you'd forget them somewhere
Sumran Jot Singh
@SumranjsΒ Β·Β 2:03


So for me, one or two is the max, so a couple of BOOKMARKS come in handy. Plus, I feel like I'm not ruining the book in any way, even if I own it. So I'm sharing a photo of a bookmark that I really like it because of the code it has on it
Justin Gonzalez
@JustinGonzalezΒ Β·Β 2:31
I have multiple sclerosis. And so when I have to turn pages, I need to be able to feel it ahead of time. And if I can't catch a single page and I'm catching two pages at once, it makes it very difficult to turn pages. So the only printed paper literature that I do fold and dog ear is sheet music
Bowie Rowan
@bowieΒ Β·Β 1:18
Additionally, I know this is kind of strange, but there was a period of time where I really was enjoying gifting copies of books to my friends where I dogged the pages, highlighted it, maybe even wrote notes into it, and vice versa because loved feeling like I was reading the book with someone else
