The Bookbot Theory
@Bookbot · 5:35

Behind the Book: Amazon Bestseller Tag

I'm your host, Namdrata, and today we are going into the integrating world of Amazon's Bestseller Tag. So buckle up as we decode the secrets behind this coverted virtual batch. Before we dive deeper, let me ask you a couple of questions. When was the last time you bought a book on Amazon after looking at the ratings, did it meet the standards set by the rating in your mind? And how about this one? How many times have you rated a book on Amazon before?

#BookbotSays #Authors #Books

Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 1:02
Hi. Namrata. That's quite an interesting forecast here. I have been an Amazon reviewer and a book blogger for quite a long time and I understand a bit about fake reviews too. But at the same time, the thing is there are publishers who are pushing these fake reviews and that's where it needs to stop. So even publishers need to take care of this
The Bookbot Theory
@Bookbot · 1:49

100% agree @Book_gobbler

And I think what also is important to note here is that the importance we have started giving to this Amazon reviews, we have started judging books by the number of reviews online or the number of ratings, rather the ratings, three, four average ratings of four, four and a half, five, which we see online. Engaging the quality of a book. I think somewhere that is where the real problem lies
GirlsWho L Girls
@GirlsWhoLiGirls · 0:03


Of English books
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 4:43

#authorspeak #selfpublishing #experiences

Most of the time, the reader is trying to establish and connect his life with the words in your book. And the best authors in the world are consistently able to do that because they have been fearlessly able to document their personal vulnerabilities. To the extent the more vulnerabilities they are able to put, the more expressive they are about their vulnerabilities, the more connectivity they can establish
The Bookbot Theory
@Bookbot · 1:37

Such a deep insight @trawell_cast

And yet when somebody is very new to this whole thing, it can actually get very daunting for them and they might feel compelled to participate, to become a part of this because of the fame that is being shown for this or the success that is a part and parcel of authors life. And it's a given. It's considered to be a given when you do bulk reviews or when you have so and so reviews and all
