Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 0:44

Mind Power 17’

From living in h*** to roaming around heaven and back again through thick and thin. You hold memories that will never be forgotten. You hold emotions that would make some people go insane all the while bringing me comfort when I am in pain. You show me who I used to to be in what I have become. Most importantly, the work that has yet to be done. Who is my savior? The power of my own mind. June 14, 2017 430 to 04:32 P.m

Poem about the power of the mind. June 14, 2017, 4:30-4:32pm #poem #poetry #mindpower #thinkfrom #comfortme

Adenike Nana Esie
@nourishyou · 1:36
The power it has to move in time, almost like hovering over the timeline of your experiences, this objective presence, processing it and making sense and building when put to the right use, building that kind of strength and conviction. And it's got me thinking about how it's so much easier to tap into that part of yourself, to become disassociated because the heart oh, man, we get sucked right in. You know, we become those emotions. We become those feelings
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 2:46


And I could have either freaked out like, oh, my God, and then would have been kind of in a freaked out state when I got hit, which if it would have been like a bigger car accident, the fact that my body wasn't relaxed, that's a whole nother that would have caused me to be more injured
