Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 5:00

Turn your Social Media feeds into ultimate discovery tools

I do know social media is problematic in some of the things that they push to us. Say, for example, unrealistic body standards. So this is me trying to give you an alternative way to deal with turning your social media into a utopia of sorts because it is kind of possible. The only thing you have to do is like you have to spend one week once in six, seven months to clean your social media feeds

1. Follow content not creators 2. Mute (don’t engage) annoying content 3. Watch the screen time:: Post- #BSwell

Ramya V
@Ramya · 1:39
While I understand and that most of these social media platforms try to show us ads and content which they feel is relevant to us based on our interests and our browsing history, I'm gobsmacked by the fact that just because I saw a cat video once, I'm still, till date, bombarded by cat videos. And not just cat videos, cat food videos, cat accessories videos, cat like memes and whatnot. So, yeah, this really helps


This was so helpful and such a great reminder. I do some of these things sometimes, but it's time to do them again and to do more of what you've described here. I sometimes forget about the mute option and I need to make use of that more often. And it's so annoying when you can like one video about a particular topic and suddenly it thinks you are interested in that topic entirely
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 1:09


I forget whether I've added it into the original swell, but let the thing chill. I don't know what the logic behind this is, but what I've observed is if we don't do any scrolling for a week or something, and then we come back to it. So I think it probably forgets what we like, right? And then it starts again from scratch. I have no proof. This is just anecdotal from what I've observed
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 0:42


You. I don't know whether this matters or not, but the posts you share with me, I love them. The stories you share, enjoyable. So whatever you are being shown, I mean, and the stuff that you share, it's pretty cool. So my guess is you've done some things right for sure, are to see all these wonderful animals and insects and natural phenomenon and sciences and psychologies and quotes and things like that showing up in your feed. So, yeah
