@bether2game · 3:36

#Perspective | The AI revolution is going to...

I definitely think AI is going to take over. I definitely am somewhat excited about the chaos. I mean, half of beauty is in the chaos. It's in the breakdown. So let it come, let it all break down. And if human beings are still around in the next several years, will rebuild. We'll rebuild better and be integrated with AI. So let's rock and roll, baby

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp3 @arish

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 5:00
These tech booms, these advancements in technology scare people who don't understand them. I mean, anything in life scares anybody who doesn't understand it, right? I think that's the origin of fear. But needless to say, I don't think AI is anything to be feared. I think it is something to be taken very cautiously
