James Burns
@BeSimplyFit · 3:14


In homes across the country, opinions are being formed by adults who listen to the thoughts of so called reporters and experts who want everyone to believe that their network is fair and balanced. Thoughts about different countries, races, religions, ethnicities intertwined with current events can enter homes with the click of a remote. And now, moreover, you could stream it whenever you want. Do families talk about the news? Of course they do

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Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 3:03
It's like even when I'm traveling in airports, I just don't even look up. I don't know. It's crazy. I don't even know if the TV channels are on anymore. Most of the time I'm still tapped in, right. I don't completely shut the world out like some people insist on doing. I think there's value in being connected but being very selected with where we get our information from. I like public forums that are global
Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 1:55
And I feel like my parents actually didn't shove politics down my throat or any of their beliefs down my throat. And I would always go into school and kids would be arguing about who's president or whatever it was, and I just didn't have that identification with it because my parents weren't giving it to me. I think that's because they actually disagreed on those things sometimes
