James Burns
@BeSimplyFit · 3:20

Weakness Or Difference?

Mr. Robbie used a webcam to spy on his roommate, who was kissing another man in the dorm room, tyler Clemente. The roommate jumped to his death from the George Washington Bridge three days after Mr. Ravi viewed him on the webcam. In today's world, where our schools are truly a melting pot of many races, creeds, colors, gender preferences, and religions, it is truly our job as teachers to help our students to not only weakness difference in others, but also value those differences

www.bullyproofclassroom.com/store #Weakness #Difference #Burns

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:56
That was a really chilling story, and unfortunately, there's a lot of those. But, yeah, I think the core message is really good, that we should not only accept the differences, but really value them. I think I remember sometime in lower school, in elementary school, where I noticed that shift in the way that my teachers were speaking, where it was less about the acceptance and more about how rich our lives are, because we're all so different and so unique
James Burns
@BeSimplyFit · 1:51


Successful husbands can see life from their wife's point of view, successful teachers can see life from their students point of view. And successful kids and successful employers and so on can see life from their employer's point of view, from their playmates point of view. And this all starts at a very young level. And everything has to be coded. Everything has to be surrounded by the attitude of respect, responsibility and love and caring of others. So once again, thank you so much for the response
