Benedict Garrett
@Bendi_GĀ Ā·Ā 5:00

A perspective on The Kerala Story from an actor in it.

Now, I want to distance myself not from the film, but from certain sentiments and certain positions that people have been jumping on often to suit their own agendas, to push certain degrees of what should we say, propaganda in relation to this film. The first thing I do want to say, however, is there are certain things that we use to promote the film that I would also distance myself from

#keralastory #bollywood #religion #terrorism #india #islamophobia #politics #bjp

Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopalĀ Ā·Ā 3:25
You have your logical reasoning, go through it and if you are unsure, try to ask people or read something and then come to a conclusion. It's not like blindly that it's not blindly that somebody tell you and then you just follow that path. So what the movie does is that it creates an awareness on the strategies of brainwashing and teaches people to be aware of it. So that's what I also found in it. There was no propaganda as such
Kadambari Gupta
@kadambariguptaĀ Ā·Ā 0:46
You. Good evening sir. I am Kadambari Gupta from India and I have also been hearing a lot about the Kerala story. The issue about forcefully converting any girl into some other religion is totally wrong. I totally agree with your viewpoint that convergent to another religion should be one's choice and it should not be post. It should not be a coercion for anyone. And I haven't watched the movie yet but I will now definitely watch it
Sreeja V
@WordsmithĀ Ā·Ā 2:22
But that didn't happen. Well, but I'm happy that this story was told, because I remember being absolutely shaken when I read about it in the papers at that time, and it really shook my core. And it is a story that deserves to be told at the end of the day
Nidhin George šŸ”·
@geo_rhymesĀ Ā·Ā 2:56


Then I'll make the mistake of taking it home with you, brooding on it, brewing on it and then eventually releasing it in some sort of frustration or resentment against people in your life who are from a different community or a different faith. These are just some of my observations so far, but thank you for bringing this topic up. It was quite engaging and I loved reading through the comments and listening to what people had to say
Aayan B
@aayanismsĀ Ā·Ā 4:11

@Wordsmith - @Bendi_G

You know, when people make provocative stories, something that follows is a provocative commentary which catches everyone's attention. What people don't realize is the amount of fact behind the provocative narrative is often a very pale shadow of that truth. According to them. And as is the case of Peeping the Onion, the actual truth is far away from what is being projected. I have no problems from an artistic merit standpoint where somebody wants to present what they think is a story as long as they claim it accordingly
Benedict Garrett
@Bendi_GĀ Ā·Ā 4:38


If it's subject that doesn't interest you, don't go and see it. We will have that freedom of choice, so at least we should have that freedom of choice. But go and see the film yourself. I'm not sitting here saying, the film's amazing. The films, but films, good or bad, but go and see it. Make up your own mind. Come to conclusions. Don't be brainwashed by a religious group or a political group
