Karla Beliz
@Belizitsme · 1:46


For me, I am a person where tone and body language matters. So in the workplace I am all for teamwork but if you're overwhelmed I can take the moment and say, hey, how can I better assist you? But once your tone is off, we're going to have to establish that boundary. So what are some boundaries that you guys have had to set once again in the workplace or with family members, friends or just within yourself? I look forward to hearing from you guys

#Healthyboundaries #Selflove #Setthetone #SayNo

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 5:00
Or you do it with the person who lives around the corner because they don't matter. When you can do it with that person who can push your buttons, that triggers you, that knows how to grate your nerve. When you can implement your boundary, then and hold to it regardless of what they throw out at you because they're going to throw some things at you. My person is my mother. I tell people that in a way
Karla Beliz
@Belizitsme · 1:14
Hey, jail. I think you are absolutely correct. I have been in a place where the moment I was speaking of was being able to say to a coworker, but I did reach that point with someone who I was in a relationship with for 15 years, just like you said
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Karla Beliz
@Belizitsme · 3:56

Boundaries; Never too late.

Sometimes I do get a little too sensitive, or at least that's what people like to make it seem like I'm just being sensitive to the fact that they're teasing me about something. But when you are growing up and that is something you have to experience, it does take a process to actually grow from it and to be able to separate the moment it's happening versus the moments in the past that you have felt the same feeling. And I can so relate to that boundary as well
