Tonya Dewhurst
@BeKind2 · 4:41

#TellYourStory | What helps me get through troubled times...

And at the end of it, well, not really at the end, but I had told my story and we were beginning to share things, and she was responding to me with wisdom. She heard me and she's advising me and giving me encouragement, and she said to me, this might very well be the worst time in your life, and that's okay. And I can't tell you how much that meant to me

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp2 @dbpardes

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:51


Hey, Tanya, I love what your friend said to you and how it also kind of marinated, if you will, in your system and how it really feels like a north star for you. You know, they say that, like, you know, today is the youngest you'll ever be, right? If you look at a day, it's the youngest you'll ever be in this moment
