BeautifulWon 🩷
@BeautifulWon · 4:33

Hello, it’s Me 🩷

And I believe that part of my purpose, again, is to help people bring that out of them and be able to get in touch with themselves and express it and not be afraid to feel your feelings. Get them out. Say what you need to say, then move forward. Feel what you need to feel, then move forward. The goal is to keep moving forward. Right. But let's not invalidate what those feelings were


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:23

#welcome #community #engage

I mean, this app has been around for a minute, but even the last two years, the amount of conversations I've had here is I couldn't possibly count them all. And so to know that all those conversations still exist and more coming every single day, it's just fascinating. You can really get lost. You can really deep dive into this place, and it's pretty special, to say the very least
