Becky Butler
@bc75 · 2:33

Hemline Living Part 6 (final)

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Good evening swell family. Becky here from visions, expression and I just wanted to share the final part in my series, hemline living part six and I hope you enjoy my day began awakened fully, not caught up in a dream. I was able to associate and articulate myself with reality barring all dreamscapes

#hemline #living #6

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:49
I think each one of your posts speak to a different side of you and to the side of experience, and I've heard many different entries from you that kind of touch on a lot of different topics. So I think it's cool that you can be well versed and faithful and honest and true to yourself throughout the entire process. Wishing you such a beautiful weekend. And again, thank you for sharing