Balah M.
@Balah · 1:51

Be Bold - "Take A Leap"

Just doing more for yourself, more than you do for others, we put so many people before us. But it's time right now to put yourself first, because this is going to be one hell of a week, as I could see. So I just want to start this off with a great energy, even for myself, you know? So even. Even in working out this week, anything you could do for yourself to get out, get out, go hug a tree

#Bold #Brave #Leap #April Fools #Eclipse

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:42
And giving ourselves these little challenges, I think, connects us to the world in ways that we haven't even realized yet, which is the beautiful part of being alive. So, yeah, thank you so much for sharing. I really enjoyed listening to this. Thanks
Balah M.
@Balah · 2:07
But even with that said, I'm glad you're motivated because I'm motivated as well. Because I'm not saying nothing wrong with being motivated. Like right now, I'm listening to this as I sit outside the gym and looking to figure out ways of why I don't need to go today. And now you just motivated me to get my ass in here. So thank you. Have a great day. Look forward to hearing from you. And I also followed you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Maurice P
@MorewithMaurice · 0:14
Well, that was a great point. I never looked at it that way, but it made perfect sense. Being inspired versus being motivated. Thank you for that, bro. That is awesome. I'm gonna run with that. Thank you. Lord bless
