Avishkar Gangurde
@Avishkar · 0:59

What is Psychology ?

This is said by Dr. Seligman, and this sentence has stayed with me since the time I have read this. And this is something that we need to understand that psychology is not to fix what is broken. It also means to nurture what is growing well. It is to nurture what is the best. Thank you

#Mentalhealth #Psychology #Student #Book

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:11
And yes, definitely strive towards harnessing all that's good in there and improve on what's already there. I think it's a way more positive approach and a beautiful one, as I already said. So, yeah, I really like the code, and I think it's going to stay with me as well for a really long time now
Avishkar Gangurde
@Avishkar · 0:32


Hey, Aishani. Thank you so much for this perspective that you are sharing. And I guess most of us need to know more of this, isn't it? The psychology is not just about repairing things. It could also mean nurturing what is good. Right? And I'm glad that the quote and the metaphor that I shared here is of some use to you too. Thank you. Thank you so much
