ash dew
@ashdew · 4:54

Husband-in-law update

So the fact that you heard me and you replied and that time I was really low, I don't know, it made such a big difference. So thank you so much for your honest replies. It meant a lot to me that time. I think I needed somebody, I needed to hear those certain things from somebody and you were that person. And Bombay Blues, you said such beautiful things to me

#divorce #breakup #separation #marriage #movingon #heartbreak

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:03
Well, welcome back. Welcome back to swell. And I'm so glad to have you back. I do know that divorce sucks. It really, really does, because I've been divorced twice, so I know that it sucks. And I'm really sorry that you're going through what you're going through, because like I said, it sucks. But just keep doing what you're doing. Just keep doing you keeping your mind occupied. That way you won't get depressed or sad
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 3:51
As I said, by this time, you would have realized I am certainly not the kind of person to get into a conversation when it comes to relationships. I have been lucky that I've kept things pretty simple in my head, but that can get tangled at any point of time. You should hear some of my poems. You would realize then you will be able to realize where I am at. So thank you so much for sharing this
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:01
People do things because they just want to, whether it's good or bad, people do it just because they want to. It's not really important as to the why, but sometimes people can be a certain kind of way, and maybe there's a good heartburn deep in there, and some people don't have a heart at all. But as long as we stay focused on what we need to focus on and look positive on life, we will get through anything
Kaps A Perspective !!!!!
@kaps60539 · 4:17


It requires a lot of deliberation. It requires lot of personal egos to be satiated. It requires the blessing of the Almighty. It requires a lot of understanding. I am also 19 years old, married. There have been severe fights. But then in that relation, nobody's a winner. Nobody's a loser. Everybody's a loser. Because divorce doesn't give happiness even to the man. Whatever his reasons might be there to leave. You understand? He also must be undergoing the same trauma
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:19
Hi, Ashdew. Welcome back to the swell platform. We really missed you on the swell platform. I guess because every time I get any kind of new invite, I used to check whether the invite was from you because you were such a wonderful caster who actually made every point in such a deeper meaning. And every time you make a swell and you come up with certain topics, I really love the clarity that you have
Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 1:31
It's good that if something one chapter you felt that it was not going that good, at least you could turn the page and you have started looking on the brighter side of your life. You started looking about your passion, your work, and that is actually very good and encouraging for all of us. I'm also thankful to you that you connected to me on call and we'll stay in touch. I'll get back to you in a few days
Surya V
@welcome28 · 4:58

Yes im spiritual🥃😜🍷🍷

Hi Ashmi. Hope you Larie doing good. I don't know. I don't think or I don't consider myself as a spiritual person. Ashmi, as I have said to you many times because I am a more materialistic person. And I always wish that all all your desires should come true. So if somebody approaches me thinking that I am a spiritual person they will be mistaken
Dharmin Chanda
@bombayblues · 3:37


I think it's been a happy coincidence that you've been back and I happen to check the okay, I don't want to be all repetitive about the fact that, okay, even I checked the app just today, just few minutes back, and blah, blah, blah, nobody gives a damn. So anyway, I hope things start getting sorted in whatever little way back at your end on the husband front. And with all what I hear, of course, I understand that
Meenu Kaur
@tailored979 · 2:29
And I can understand I can understand that relief which you get from inside when you disconnect from the people who are constantly there to trouble us and then reliving your life, that's next level satisfaction which you have. And you are that brave person to have that right now, it's just talking about I finished with my Swell podcast. Posting about that regulating emotion is possible only when we address and acknowledge our emotions. And you have that courage
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 2:23
I don't even want to imagine what you're going through right now. But from whatever I have heard from you, you are truly a strong woman and your fears and I know you will always stand your ground and do what's right for you, which is I think the best way to go about it. It's good that he apologized. If he was at the wrong side of the table, then he must apologize
Kaveri Bhatt
@kaveri_bhatt · 1:21
And then by the end of our life, all the dots connect. But before the dots to connect, we should be there standing on the edge to reach the other side, to reach his arms. So I wish you all the best. I hope you take very good care of yourself because everything springs forth from self love and accept yourself the way you are. You are unique. There is no another astute in the world. And start with that feeling
