Ariana .
@ariana. · 4:34

The Shawl - A warm closure - (A personal account)

I remember requesting him to buy me a warm shawl, and his reply that still echoes in my mind was, just a couple of days. Why waste money? Can't you adjust? Of course, he pacified me later, saying he will keep me warm in his arms and why do I need a shawl, et cetera, and even shared his jacket at times

#arianawrites #apersonalaccount #writer #author #manifestingeternallove #memories #closure #shawl

Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 2:01
And so many times one has been through such situations where we are told that if someone I take an example and tell you how I feel, that as a child I was very attached to my toys. So I was told, why don't you give them away? Why don't you give them away? They didn't realize that those toys were just not toys for me
preethy uthup
@peeli · 0:51
Hi, Ariana. The narrator was so, so very I would say it touched my heart. And it's really so true to one's own. Peeli could really picture that scene of what that had happened to you. So I think your narration style is beautiful and I would buy your book through that link. All the best to you. You are a pure soul and be that always. All the best to you. Love you lots
Ariana .
@ariana. · 1:01


Hi Kadambari. Thank you so much for your kind response. I'm so glad that you connected with my sharing. And yeah, you're right. In fact, we don't know what value it holds right for the child. For that one reason I have never ever thrown anything that belongs to my child since childhood. Without his permission. I have kept things for maybe 15 years also. But without his permission nothing has gone out of his toy basket or his cupboard either
Ariana .
@ariana. · 0:26


Hi preeti. That was so very kind of you. I am so glad to hear such kind and compassionate words. And I love your voice, by the way. And thank you so much. All the love back to you with so much of gratitude and warmth. I wish you wonderful day ahead and a beautiful week as well. Stay connected. Lots of love. Take care
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ariana .
@ariana. · 2:01


It just one correction I would like to add I don't think all men are unfaithful just because a few men who have for their own reasons again, even if I am divorced and I'm not in touch with my ex husband for maybe 1516 years now, even then I would never think ill of him, or I would never wish him anything bad. I would always wish him well
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 3:04
And although I personally feel that there is just no closure to those negative experiences, in my case at least, it's never easy for me to put a closure on any of the negative experiences. It just keeps on haunting me all the time. And is it good on your part if you are trying to bury all your negative experience inches and you are trying to come out stronger each day? So all the best and keep sharing such wonderful experiences with us. Bye
Ariana .
@ariana. · 0:36


Hi, Swati. I trust you're doing well and having a beautiful day. Thank you for listening to my swell and to the experience and sharing yours. Such a beautiful experience, right? And see how life is. Two people never met but still have memories connected to one single place, even if one is good and one is not so good. But those are beautiful connections, right? So thank you for sharing that and lots of warmth and gratitude and good wishes to your husband
