Ariana .
@ariana. · 2:53

Which Egg Do you want? Rewarding Revelations - Episode 4

You. Hi, everyone. So, which egg do you want? Interestingly. This question is both for those who consume egg and for those who don't. Hi. This is Ariana, author, writer, counselor, healer, and a lifelong learner it. Today I want to bring a very interesting aspect of egg and share what I learned from it. I'm sure whether you eat egg or you don't, you've seen one and you have probably experienced breaking one as well

#arianawrites #rewardingrevelations #lawofpressure #internal #extrenal #pressure #passion #desire #stress

Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 2:30

@ariana_simran passion. Hands down. Damn straight 😎

And let's say perhaps after 18 months of doing an excellent job, nothing less than a stellar job at this firm and also being recognized as one of the top performers in that team, I started feeling the internal pressure that you're talking about, the internal desire to break out, to scream, to express, but more importantly, to actually start breathing and start living. And so against all logical reasoning and a lot of people advising me not to resign, I did it anyways
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 1:26
Hi, Ariana. That was such a beautiful thought that you shared with us, and how beautifully you have summed up the entire story, the entire essence and the gist of life in just few sentences. And it talks so much about what exactly is evolution, what exactly is inner transformation all about. It's like you are compelling. You are driven from side to change yourself for the better, not for others
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Kritika Harshank
@DrK91 · 3:05
When the baby is ready, he or she gives pressure from the inside. So both of them want the same result. The child wants to be born, the mother wants the child to be born. So without one, we cannot have the other. It's not that sometimes we do lose some child. It is very unfortunate. But it's not that the child did not want to be born
Ariana .
@ariana. · 1:49


Me. Hi, Trivica. First of all, thank you so much for chiming in, for sharing your perspective. And I loved your analogy. That is such a beautiful example of balance, right? Balance in the world. And balance in is an awe of nature, isn't it? And that's such a beautiful example that you've quoted here. Yes, indeed, both are absolutely mutely essential. The external pressure and the internal pressure, both are essential. Similar to motivation
