Kim Soliz
@apianogirl · 4:57

Hope -(My cat is scratching a box and I didn’t want to re-record.

Sometimes it makes you feel like you aren't worthy of having it. Four years ago, my husband got sick with COVID It was right at the beginning of the pandemic when things were not understood. And science was hurrying to figure out a way to help these people that were dying of this virus. And my husband had been at work, and that last week of August, he started to come down with what we thought was a cold

#sdp24Mar20 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:56


Wow. Kim, thank you so much for taking that moment to tell us your story and the recovery and the sort of ephemeral moments of our lives that feel so unbelievably out of control. It's such a great example of how hope becomes an absolute rock because it gives us a foundation that we can just fall on top of and say, we've got this. We've got this hope, and it will carry us through. Yeah
