Aparna Samal
@aparnasamal · 1:01

Bhagavad Gita

Hari Krishna Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Indian scripture. The knowledge given herein was imparted by North Se Krishna some 50 years ago in the battlefield of Kuruk Shaqira to his dear mother and disciples. The beauty of algorithm is that whatever question you may have come to your mind, in any corner of the world, any culture people, there is an answer to all the questions in this vagabatita

#bhagavadgita #gita #krishna #lordkrishna

vaibhav behl
@vaibhavbehl · 2:53
You know the thing about Bhagavad Gita is that I agree it's a manual to life. It teaches us how to get over the death of loved ones how to get over our sorrows, how to not get jealous or brightful, how to get over at lust or our inner deepens. Bhagbudgeta teaches us how to get over our anxiety or depression which is something that today's generation really need. Bhagavad Gita according to me is a manual of life
