Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:37

Impromptu! Don't press the red button, Your Royal Panjandrum...

Because you're going to quote unquote, destroy the earth, right? Let me tell you something, your royal pandan drum brother, sister, whoever you are. If you got me off my island, away from my pina colada, before Javier was able to finish my massage, you better press that button. It had better be a life ending event for me to give up my dream vacation. Because let me tell you something, if you're bluffing

#Impromptu #sspgimpp1 #CreativePrompt

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:14
Hey. The picture is so perfect and so fitting for the response. Way to take this impromptu and just really take it to another level. This was awesome. I could definitely get used to hearing a series of everyone's different responses to this prompt
