Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:09

Is the belief in Reincarnation an excuse / escape from a crappy life?

It's a conversation about some people who may use reincarnation again as a way to kind of escape this life. I also wonder, when you see people suffering in the present, do we believe that somehow that's their karma? Do we lose compassion for fellow humans or even fellow animals? Because, hey, maybe this is that. That dog that's on the street and is draggly and hungry. Maybe that was a really bad businessman. Businessman in his last life

#Reincarnation #Christianity #Mormonism #Praise4Curiosity #Hope

I mean, that's been explained time and again through Christianity, through religions in a whole, through different bibles, I guess, and through science. I mean, we. We know. We've heard from people about people who have left their bodies and then come back. We've heard. Well, we've heard right. We still can't believe something just because we've heard it
Lindsey Allison
@LindseyAllisonG · 4:58

@AnngieKaye #metaphysics #reincarnation #growth #personaldevelopment #philosophy

And I think it's really interesting just to hear, you know, kind of your take on it. You know, for me, I won't even use the word believe. I will say, I know. I know deep within my being that reincarnation is real. And I have been on quite a journey to come into that knowing over the last 15 years. And I've had tremendous, tremendous experiences. Having memories of past lives come through
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:17


I definitely know what that feels like. Definitely know what that feels like. And so I know what it's like to feel like life is beating down. I actually just cried today about something that broke my heart
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:34


So the same grace and mercy that covers me is covering some of these other people, too. Point blank simple. But even on top of that, nobody's walking around without feeling what they've done. And so, as much as I can look at my ex husband and the current wife, she's not his current wife, but I can look at them and think they just walked off into the tulips and left me in broken shambles. That's not the case
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 3:34


And all I could take it back into is like, you know, when I asked my grandmother when I was a child, I'll never forget, I was twelve years old, and I asked her, why do people believe in God? And she said, you know, hey, we have to look forward or believe in something, you know, and that's real, you know, that's absolutely real
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:14


If it's true, then, hey, let me be a bird so I don't have to worry about anything. Right? Something else I was gonna say. I forgot. Lord help me. But, yeah. Thank you for offering your perspective. I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind
Lindsey Allison
@LindseyAllisonG · 4:59

@AnngieKaye you asked the right person! Also, going to tag a mentor who knows a lot about the topic of #reincarnation @Balah

But about ten years ago, when I was really trying to understand myself, I had a woman give me a reading, an energy reading, and she came to me and she said, you were a tree in a past life. You were an ancient tree that had been uprooted. And she said, I've read for hundreds and hundreds of people. I've never, not one time, ever had anyone come through as a tree
Lindsey Allison
@LindseyAllisonG · 4:56

About the escapism aspect we are always 100% responsible for our experience, but people are always looking for ways to escape taking responsibility.

But I say all that because it's easy for somebody to, like, I think they have found the answer and then use that as a way to, to avoid being vulnerable and to avoid having, and in this case, like with reincarnation. Right? Like using it as an excuse. And it's kind of the same. People do the same thing with astrology, too
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:43
Hey, sis, this is a good topic. Personally, I don't know of anybody who has ever really, truly believed in reincarnation. Sorry, I'm dropping. I don't know of anybody that truly, really has believed in reincarnation, christian or not. And I don't know of anybody who can honestly say that they have. That they're here in this life as a reincarnation of someone from a past life and know that that is and actual truth
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:06


And so definitely if people can use any type of faith as a crutch or a way to escape, then certainly folks could use reincarnation as a reason to believe that there's better after this or even to say their suffering has to be because of that. So it's definitely true in that respect. What you said at the end about some people, I think the phrase that we use in church is being so heavenly minded. You're no earthly good. And I definitely know people like that
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:46


They're not married. They're not dating, but they're a wife. So the assumption is that they're going to meet this man, he's going to see that she's all wife. He's going to fall in love with her and put the ring on her finger and make it official. But she's already a wife. And I buck up against that because I'm like, you're not a wife until you have a husband
Lindsey Allison
@LindseyAllisonG · 4:59

Great question I believe it is a choice that comes back to evolution through relationships and where we need to learn, grow and evolve. @AnngieKaye

You know, maybe we've been too hyper independent, you know, so we might come back as the nature spirit just to learn how to be part of an ecosystem, them. And that maybe is something that we need in order to live a better human life in our next. Should we decide to come back as a human, right? I don't know that
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:21


And I, when you get into a relationship with someone, whether it's romantic friendship and that person rubs you the wrong way, that's really you, and then people will find out. They'll break up with somebody. They're in the relationship thinking they're going to find someone else, but they keep running into themselves. Like, that's the point. And it's like sandpaper
Lindsey Allison
@LindseyAllisonG · 4:59


Which that's the issue with majority of relationships, is that people show up traumatized and with their wounds. And they haven't healed them within themselves. And they're looking for that relationship to fix it for them. And I don't subscribe to that either, because I think that we do. I feel like, you know, the thing about relationship, and maybe this is just the nature of it, right? It's like it's this dance, right? We're separate
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


But, you know, and the whole idea of retribution, I don't even know if that's the right word, but getting rewarded this life is fantastic. And actually, I think I haven't looked at a lot of the blessings that I've acquired, because I, too, got the COVID thing with the house payment, and my student loans were taken care of, and they were about the same amount as yours. Of course, fifth time
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:02
As two people who were in a relationship, but not really. You know, we were. He was a little bit younger than me, and life was just not happening. And I'm sorry, I'm. Get out of my. Out of my sauna. So you hear that. You hear the thing rippling, but, yeah, I just feel like people believe what they believe, and that's all that there is to that. I don't damn people for believing that or being curious


I'm so glad to be able to communicate with you. And the only reason I responded was because this wasn't actually directed toward anyone in particular. So have it. I still think you're an egyptian queen
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:48
Hey, MJ, you really know how to boost a girl up, right? You really do. Because I didn't have the best day today. Didn't. And not because it was bad, but I'm losing one of my employees I really like, and I might make a smell about it later. But anyway, that was nice of you to say, because it did lift me. And you're such a sweet person. I don't care what nobody says. You're sweet
d f
@MrDee · 4:59
And, you know, I got kind of not combative, but the argument is that you just got to pray, you got to read your word Bible. How can we prove they talk about, you know, even, oh, this is where the tomb Jesus was and all this other stuff. Nobody has any physical proof of any of these things in Christianity. None. All the things that we claim to be miracles, why aren't we having those same miracles now?
