Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:59

Are women given all of their chips at youth?

I'm not against men, and I don't like to do all that fighting. I'm not against women either. I don't like that fighting writing. But I want to talk about this today because this man of God posted this, and it's in line with what the world says. And that's why it's a bit disappointing and a bit disheartening. I'm just going to take parts of the clip
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:57

The 60-second background story

Why are you on stage with all these famous people who've done music and movies and like, what have you done to be famous? That was sort of the take that he got from it. And then he used her as an example of, you know, you got famous from, your daddy was rich, and you put out a porn tape and you show your body everywhere. You know, you're losing. People don't respect you
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 2:34
Of course, it does look bad, you know, because it seemed like he's sort of stereotyping, you know, what he's saying. But at the same time, I mean, I don't want to say that because he's a man of God, you know, it looks bad. I mean, just as an individual in general, you know?
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:30


Hey, brother Al. Good morning. Thanks for chiming in. Yeah. One of the things I find when people make these statements is there's a lot of people that are excluded. So not only are there a lot of women like myself, who are like, that's not my story. There's probably also men who feel like, well, if I could just earn more chips. What's going on?
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 4:35
Like, I know that there's privileges I have of being a man of a certain size, not necessarily just being a man, but being a man who's like, you know, over 200 pounds and having muscle on me and not being, you know, five foot seven and 140 pounds. Like, my male experience is definitely different than the guy who's much smaller than me. Right. So. But it's, it's in comparison to men and women? Yes
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:32
So it just really depends on the situation, I think. But I don't think that messages like this are healthy because it causes women to feel like I need to just give up. I'm 40 something years old now. It's over for me. Life is over for me. Men don't find me attractive anymore. I'm not desirable anymore. I don't have anything to offer
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:57


Hey, Michael, thanks for chiming in. I definitely agree with what you said, especially when you mentioned trust, and that is the truth. So I grew up where I have three older brothers, and my brothers had a lot more privilege than I did my sister and I, because they were boys. So they were able to drive earlier. They had later curfews and bedtimes and all of those things. They were older, but they were also boys
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:24


So, yeah, I agree with, don't slander your youth. I agree with that. But the idea that women have been given so much, that's the part I don't agree with. But thank you so much for chiming in. Appreciate you as always. Talk to you soon
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:10


He wants sex on demand. He wants this. There's always a trade off. You know, there's a trade off. Women may know if they're heavier that they're gonna have to. You gotta be smart. You gotta work hard. You can't be heavy and dumb because nobody's gonna take care of you. But if you want to be taken care of, then you gotta be pretty. And you gonna have to turn down that donut
Calvin Bunch Jr
@TwoFast2Strong · 4:42


Hey, Angie, Kate, this is Calvin. Yeah, I listened to your posts, so I definitely understand where that gentleman is coming from. However, I would probably say it just a little different. Not sure if it's going to change everything, but this is how I would say it. He used the word chips. I would say that women are born with their value, whereas men actually have to work to get their value
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 4:53


It's when we're at date number two or three or even for. And you can't really determine whether or not if she's into you, she's not giving you any signals, is when you start kind of totaling it up in your head, like, oh, wow, I've spent all this money and time and. And I think, like, also, one of the things that we don't really acknowledge in dating, like, a man has to present everything up front
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:27


You gotta come with some value. So I definitely understand that part. Women being born with our value, just as women. I mean, I still have a hard time reconciling that, but I do understand that culture, society favors the youth, especially younger women. I definitely understand that. The issue I have with it, which is nothing that nobody can change, is that life moves forward, not backwards
Calvin Bunch Jr
@TwoFast2Strong · 4:33


They view femininity as, like, soft and like a pushover or naive. And. And I'm gonna tell you something. Men do not think that way. We do not think that way. We don't think, oh, yeah, she's feminist, so she naive. I can get over her. We don't think that way. But. But some women, when they hear that, they'll think that he just wants to manipulate her, and that's just not the case
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:52


Also, a lot of women are taught, black women specifically are taught to not worry about those boys. And we're not just talking about 14 year olds, 16 year olds, you know, hoping they don't get pregnant in high school. We literally tell women in their twenties instead of going to college, keep your head in those books. Study, don't worry about no boys
Calvin Bunch Jr
@TwoFast2Strong · 3:02
Rethink or recalibrate, you know, the thought processes we have or the ideologies that we have, you know, with our children. Because innately what's going on is when you tell, you know, when we tell our kids, hey, you know, especially a female, hey, you get the career, get the man. And in essence, what happens is women are saying, well, you know, they're being taught to be independent of a man
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 4:24


I think everyone needs at least a good four to five years of living by themselves, whether in a relationship or not, but just living by themselves to get to know themselves and feel comfortable in themselves until they can actually, you know, realistically, like, move on with another person like that, at least as far as I've seen it. Because when I see people who have kind of just, like, jumped into it with another person have never had the time by themselves, it's rough
Calvin Bunch Jr
@TwoFast2Strong · 3:47


And literally, femininity is not a weakness. Men know and understand the power in femininity. And like I said before, I don't even think women realize how powerful their femininity is. So you have that woman get the career, and, you know, she's doing well and in her career and all that stuff. She just has to be careful not bringing on masculine traits into the relationship because men do not like a woman with masculine traits
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 4:12


Like, I look at this even in my own profession, at my own job, it's like, I have a lot of women, and I'm thinking a lot about a lot of my asian colleagues who are recent immigrants to this country. These girls are sorry. These women are very, on top of everything, don't let anything slip. Very, very tough about the job. Very tough about the job
Calvin Bunch Jr
@TwoFast2Strong · 3:18


And I say that because a lot of times, you know, you know, the, you know, women will say, hey, you know, while I was young, you know, I didn't know no better, blah, blah, stuff like that, because the nuclear family's been broken. And so we have a situation to where, you know, these women that are having these babies, and they don't even know the guy
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:38


Hey, Michael, I agree with everything you said. I really enjoyed your response to this because there is a lot of truth to it. Men are conditioned early in life to know that nothing is going to be handed to you. You're going to have to work for it. You're going to have to earn it. You're going to have to go out there and do the hard things to get what you need
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:43


There are people that are doing the scent in the military before they have kids. There are people that need to go through therapy and get over some trauma before they get married. And it will take till 30 to clear that out for sure. Got that. But I think, overall, if all of society started doing that, it would be very lopsided, and I think that we would have people like. So my
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 3:18


Like, I don't think I'd have my sanity if I jumped out of my parents house into another. Like, into living with someone else. There is a critical time in life where being by yourself and having those valuable hours of, you know, coming home and having time to self relax, self reflect and just relax, that I think are critical. So, yeah, that's just my two cent
d f
@MrDee · 4:59
Hey, just chiming in on the topic. There are some things in there that, you know, are good conversation pieces. And it's not necessarily to make it good or bad. I think it's more so understanding. I don't think that it's a bad thing for women to obtain knowledge. I don't think it makes you less valuable obtaining knowledge. The part that I under, that I look at, most women, and we don't like to say majority, right?
Calvin Bunch Jr
@TwoFast2Strong · 2:41


But you only hear that dads break up the home. That's all you hear. Because the negative connotation that comes with it is, oh, well, she left him, so he had to have done something. That's what happens. That's exactly what happens. Oh, he must have did this or he must have did that. And there's no accountability on the part of the woman. So that. That's
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 4:28


I think there's just a large contingent of people, especially women within our community, who don't know how to couple because they just never saw it growing up. And you understand that as you get older. Like, a lot of the reasons why a lot of people are the way they are is because they just didn't have it growing up. Like, if you didn't see two people together going through life, being a team, working things out, how can you possibly value that?
