Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 5:40

Episode 5 | The Anisha Perspective | Bless your Body

So it's not something that pops up in our brain right now per se, but the concept of holistic health goes around balancing these three areas really well. So in the last couple of episodes, we discussed on why mental health is important, and I want to reiterate those facts. I'll just note down a few things and tell you. First reason is because it helps you to sort out and compartmentalize things, which is really essential because you shouldn't be scrambled all over the place

How do you take care of your body? #swellseries #AskSwell #taponswell

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:46
Thank you, Anisha, for this. Well, holistic healing. And it's so important. And I always feel that we have to be physically fit to carry out any function in life, because that is the infrastructure that's given to us. And unless it's working well, nothing can happen. And definitely mental, emotional, social health is also very important. But like they say, health is wealth, so physical health becomes the most important to start with. That's my take on this
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:34


Ranjana kamo thank you for replying to my swell. I'm really sorry. I got stuck up in a lot of work and I think I'm getting stuck. I want to upload content but I'm not being able to upload anything. Nevertheless, thank you for engaging with my content. And yeah, I definitely do agree with all you have to say in my swell and I will definitely reply to quite a number of swears that are lined up for me to reply here. And thank you once again
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:07


Hi, Anisha. You're most welcome and hope to hear more from you. Bye
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:28
These days we are speaking a lot, hearing a lot about spirituality, soul and all, but in the process we are actually not considering the fact that it is very important even to maintain our body, because until or unless you are physically fit, you can't actually work out on things properly. That is, as you said, every aspect of health that is physical, mental, everything is very important
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:49


Chala Sri Gauri thank you so much for always engaging with my content and being a consistent follower and subscriber through this time of being here on swell. And yeah, I do agree with you. We need to focus on a more of a holistic approach rather than always talking about the soul and the mind and because everything is important and glad that you love the episode and if you did like it a lot, you can definitely hit the subscribe button and subscribe to my channel for more informative 15 minutes long content
