Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 1:42

In Conversation with Ishaan Nigam

He was selected as one of the top 20 musicians from India by UTV Bindas and Disney India to be a part of KMCC, a music institute founded by Dr. AR Rahman. He made his debut in 2018 through a Telugu devotional song kota Panta pata Panta on SVBC Channel conducted by the legendary Mm Kirwani and Sri K ragavendra Rao He has released soulful singles like Kafirana Sharana Ojana Savariya and his latest single O Chant is out too. Join us here on Swell at 12:00 p.m #IndiaSpotlight #swell #musicianinterview #InterviewAGuest #Inconversationwith

Janvi Sharma
@Janvi._.sharma · 1:34
You. Hello. Janvi just signed, so I am really looking forward for this conversation. I am so excited because it's no other than Ishan nigam, and I'm really looking forward for all the insight, his journey and everything about how he got so far. So Ishan Nigam, you are really a talented singer who deserves recognition for your exceptional music abilities. Your voice literally resonates with emotions and captivates the listeners like me with your unique tone and textures
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 3:48


I've grown up listening to all the legends like Rafisa Lataji, Kishore Kumarji Manadesab on radio. And radio was the only mean for me to consume music at that point of time. Because again, it's a small town so there was no such accessibility to me coming to my journey. How it started because I was in a convent school so the morning assembly used to happen in a form of choirs and everybody used to sing different prayers on each assigned day
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:21


A very warm welcome to you ishan Nigam on Swell. My first question to you is were you interested in music since your childhood? And what role models or figures inspired you to take up this field?
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 1:22


Apart from that, my interest towards classical music was also there since childhood because only access to TV was through DD, Bharti and DuDarshan. So shrimpur, Sharma, vazalada basically Jamar shastri, Gayakote Jasraji so in Lokosunkar I've always aspired to learn music 1% we ever seek saktamujo karan. So it would be a blessing for me. So that's how it all started. And I wish to do more of good music to, you know, want my music to reach good people who deserve good music
Sushma Shree Asthana
@Sushma_10 · 0:47


I wanted to ask you that who was your first favorite singer or your first favorite song that you had that at moment when you decided that you also want to sing? It may be hard to remember but it is a precious memory. So if you can, I'd like to hear that possibly. Thank you very much
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 0:52


And the very first song on stage, which I sung was Meradal Jizzadah. That was in class fifth. And prior to that, I think jumuja Ghana Bhat. That song is called Abhina Jao Chorgar by Rafisa. So, yeah, I hope hope that answers your question. Thank you
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:12


That's truly a humbling journey to start from. My second question to you would be what is the relationship you have with music?
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 0:15


My relationship with music is, I think it's my soul. It's my life. I can't imagine my life without music. And it's a boon, I think. Not just for me, but for everyone
Damanpreet Kaur
@authordaman · 0:56
It's really healing to hear music when you are not into doing anything, when you are feeling just low and want to sit at a side hearing your favorite music ishan this is Dhaman here? It's really good to know that you are a music composer, lyricist and a singer at the same time. I would really like to know that. What do you feel while recording your own songs and listening to your favorite music? Would you like to share your deep and dark feelings for music with us?
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 1:26


You. Hi, dhaman. Hope you are doing well and coming to the point that, yeah, people used to mock, people used to make fun of me while I was in college. Kia kakara. You know, music like gharnichalta and just hobby valiches. And even after I passed out from my college, there were friends of mine who asked me to quit music. Kiabitness. So I know it's a very tough journey
Janvi Sharma
@Janvi._.sharma · 2:03
You. Thank you so much for answering my question, Ashan. And I am really very inspired and speechless by the journey that you mentioned. It takes a lot, and I'm serious, I'm genuine. It really takes a lot to rise from that small town, coming this far on your own, independently, with no musicians in your family, with no such first hand experience in your family, with no support or something. Support means that musical support and background, it really takes a lot
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 3:46


You. Thank you, Janvi. It really means a lot to me. So coming towards the challenges so that's I think every artist faces that challenge when, you know, when they are starting out into a music space independently, or as a singer, or as a composer, as a lyricist. Music industry and music is also trust game. You have to gain people's trust through your work. You can't do buttering to people or you can't flutter with people just to gain their trust
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:12


That is really wonderful to know ishaan my next question to you is how do you create such soulful music?
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 0:55


And that's where I try to project my music that it should reach people's heart rather than just Igbar, Ghana Suna or Sunke ansunagalia so I don't want that to happen with my songs. So that's why I take time. I need my own space to work on my songs, on my music, so that people can relate through those songs
gungun bansal
@gungunbansal_ · 0:37
Hi, Sean. I hope you are doing great. Thank you so much for coming on this platform. It's really glad to have you here. I just want to ask, like, from where did you get this inspiration to work towards your passion? You know, we live in a society where people do not usually support such kind of passion because it's not stable. But slowly and gradually it has become stable. That's what I feel
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 0:55


And I want to do music, I want to grow more, I want to learn more, I want to explore more of myself. So that should be the thought. That's actually my thought. I want to see people expressing or people getting emotional through whatever music I sing or perform. So that's I think, the best reward an artist gets
Damanpreet Kaur
@authordaman · 0:59
Yeah, I I feel that when some people whose support meant you a lot and they do not support you in something you want is the greatest challenge in your life, would you like to share that in what ways you made your own self, your motivation, your inspiration and your ideal than none other? Have there been MadLab? At what time did you feel that you should stop expecting an anything from people and you should in fact, expect appreciation and praisal also from your own self, from your within?
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 1:51


Hi Daman. I get that feel, you know, where parents or family don't support you to do music or whatever you are passionate about. But that's very important. That not to give up on your craft. Be consistent at it. Consume lot of music so that it grows within you. You learn so much from him. It's not always important to, you know, do practice physically or mental, real spiritual. RIAs is also very important when it comes to music
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:20


That's really amazing. Ashan, I think all your hard work definitely does reflect in the kind of songs that you produce. My next question to you is what goes behind the scenes in composing, creating and editing these songs?
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 0:58


Or I like to visit mountains because I'm more of a mountain person. I love mountains. They give me peace. And then I think whatever I have fueled my soul with since so long, whatever kind of music I've listened so far, I try to maintain that quality of music I've listened to and want to put out to the world
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 2:05


Growing up, listening to his music, learning so much from his songs and his singing style to actually witnessing him, to actually touch his feet, to have his blessings was a real bliss. And to watch him singing my songs was really, you know, a very heartwarming moment for me
Janvi Sharma
@Janvi._.sharma · 1:48
That betrayals, that feeling of betrayals, that feeling of worthlessness sometimes about how people not taking you seriously, about how to achieve that thing if people are not coming to you and not responding to you. I really get it because I myself kind of interested in the passion of dance, which is also an artistic thing. So being in an artistic profession, it really brings a lot of hardships and all. So moving further on, my last question is that what's your dream project or your dream collaboration?
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 0:37


Hello. Thank you so much. Janvi so my dream is to, you know, pursue good music to sing for people, to make them, you know, laugh, cry through my songs. And dream collaboration would be not not a collaboration, but I would love to sing for AR Hamansar and Nigam Sir for, you know, because, again, these are, you know, the legends everybody dreams of working with. So, yeah, that's I that's I also dream for
Inika Choudhary
@inikachoudhary · 0:48


Now, my question will be, if you can, please recount any memorable experiences that have been instrumental in shaping the person you are today, as in during your student life, maybe the journey to music or your career now, any experiences that have actually molded you and have somehow changed your perspectives? Yes, that would be my question. Thank you
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 1:51


And then when I got selected as top 20 artists from India to do a summer course at Km as a conservatory in Chennai in 2015, that was one of the biggest turning point in my career where I became more of I grew more inclined towards music then lately. Last year when I was called for Coke Studio Bharat to work as an additional vocalist, that was also one of the very high time in my life
Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 1:19
That there should be ambulance, there should be proper medical arrangements so that if any artist or the audience feels unwell or there is any injury or there is any stampede, then things are taken care of. That's my question to you and I wish you all the very best. Lots of success to you and all the best wishes are with you. Thank you so much
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 2:39


And post Kksr's event, I think even management companies have started taking this thing seriously. But I'm not very sure how well it is being taken care in India right now
vani singhal
@vaanisinghal · 1:12


Hey, I'm really excited about hearing out ishaan Nigam on his exclusive journey and how he made to top 20s in Bindas and being selected and making such huge and, you know, meaningful songs and such great songs. So I have a question like he is such a great singer and he also launched O chan currently. So how like he combated the traditional mindset of the society which feels that music and film industry is not for people, it's a very bad industry or something like that
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 1:17


Hi Vani. I can sense that excitement in you. So I actually never tried convincing anyone. I just focused on doing music, and I think there are obviously like people are scared to enter or, you know, do music or any, you know, creative work as a fulltime job because there is no certainty of, you know, money
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 1:09


So that is really so beautiful and wonderful to listen from a new fresh perspective from a new singer like you. So my next question to you is can you tell us little about your new startup in the meet sessions and how do you plan on expanding it in the future?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 0:46


I'm so glad that you like my thoughts. So coming about intimate sessions it is basically an initiative to curate independent intimate sessions where we bring in some amazing independent artists who are very new in the a music scene or who are writing some really good songs but are not getting staged to perform their own music live. So it's just an initiative to give them that courage, give them that stage where they can express themselves and connect with new set of audiences and exchange thoughts with them
Vipin Kamble
@Vipin0124 · 1:15
Good afternoon ishaan, first of all, congratulations. I don't have any specific question, to be honest. I just want to understand the hardships you have faced during the process of becoming a star from a common man walking on the road, because everyone goes for the audition. Sometimes people, they get selected, sometimes people they don't. You have gone through everything. What were the hardships you have faced during this journey?
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 1:28


You. Thank you so much. Vipin. So, I think for every artist, the journey is very different. And for me, journey has been really, really hard. But, like, people say that music is full of struggle and stuff, but I don't believe in struggle. I just see it as a learning curve. I just see it as a beautiful journey where you learn things, you unlearn things, and you grow
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:28


That's truly a wonderful platform for all the independent artists out there, and I hope your initiative helps many more artists to come up in the future, especially given the scenario of our country. My last question to you is what is your message to the youngsters who aspire to create fresh music in this industry?
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 0:42


You. Thank you so much. Yeah, it's just my effort to bring more budding artists on ground and to help them motivate and showcase their music to the world. And my message to every budding artist would be that don't try to follow the trains, but become a train. Try to, you know, bring out your own individuality to your music. Listen to a lot of good music, some meaningful music. Try to write something meaningful which can impact anyone's life, their listeners life
mannya nayar
@shesalliwannabe · 0:30
Hello, sir. Congratulations on your endless release. And I would like to ask you, how has it been? How, you know, navigating the music industry all by yourself and how, you know, was it, you know, you know, just been navigating and exploring the music industry and meeting all these, you know, well known, well known singers and now being a part of them
Ishaan Nigam
@ishaannigamofcl · 0:45


Ah. Hi. So it really feels, you know, blissful. And I'm very, very grateful to Almighty that I've come so far all by my own. And, you know, with the support of so much with the support of so many supporters, my gurus, my family, and performing in front of the and sharing the stage with them, this is all the blessings
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 1:06

Thank you so much, Ishaan Nigam for being here on Swell and for this interview, for answering everybody's questions and for taking us through a small journey of your life. Thanks to everybody who tuned in for this interview. Please follow. Ishan nigam on instagram spotify. I and swell. And don't forget to listen to his recent single O Chant on Spotify. I've attached the links here below
