Aniesha Brahma
@aniesha_brahma · 1:36

#AnieshasMusings: Reading & Annotations

Because I know a lot of people keep book journals where they write down their thoughts, their things about the books. So dearly looking forward to having a conversation about this. Like? Do you like Annotating? Do you not like Annotating? What do you like about it? What do you dislike about it? What are the alternatives to annotating? Let's just open up this thread and talk about it more. Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone

What your thoughts on annotating a book? I remember it from my school days. Didn't know the term for it back then. #readingandbeyond #reading #musings

Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:19
No pens, of course, pens are a strict no no for me, but I do highlight the bits that catch my interest using pencil. I make my notes there. I don't have a journal or a separate book where I write this. While I would love to do that, I'm sure that I would never get hold of the book at the right place or at the right time when I really want to take these notes down
Aniesha Brahma
@aniesha_brahma · 2:36

Ooohhh. I had no idea about the rules!

But recently I started using these reading tabs, reading markers, because they doesn't ruin the page and you can just put it there and you can write on top of it. And I like books which have a lot of extra pages as well, because then if I'm thinking something, or if something just struck strikes me, or some character I want, or some quote I want, because I don't want to constantly look them up on Goodreads, right?
