Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:59

#AskSwell what makes a relationship toxic? How fo you know when it’s time to leave?

Is that really a reason to stick around in the marriage? Yes. I understand that marriages have ups and downs. I understand that marriages go through seasons. I understand that you have to come together and talk things out and try to work things out. I understand all of that. I do. I understand it. And I believe that you do have to work things out. But at one point do you say, you know what? This just really is not working

#AskSwell #relationship #toxic #abuse #mentalwellness

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:38
I've even seen Women of God married to bishops where for years it was a physically abusive marriage and God restored. And these people are still married today. So yes, there are a lot of toxic situations out there. And sometimes people choose to part ways, and then sometimes people choose to ride it out according to their vows. They choose to ride it out and God restores. Once their hearts are convicted and they choose to repent in Godly sorrow, then he restores
Amanda Grace
@Labyrinth · 4:57
And I would not blame my spouse if he walked away and decided to end the relationship, because that, to me, is absolutely a grounds for the end of a marriage. However, on my part, my reason for stepping out of my marriage, I've wanted to leave for years. I've felt emotionally empty and just disconnected and neglected. There's nothing between us emotionally, no connection at all
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:59


And I say I use words like that because I know that people will understand what I'm talking about because it is a word that's used a lot. But I believe calling a thing a thing, right? So if there's abuse, let's say abuse. If there's negative behaviors, there's negative behaviors. If there's emotional abandonment, then let's say emotional abandonment, if there's infidelity, let's say he cheated. She cheated, right?
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00


And that's why a lot of people who are my age, their forty s, fifty s, and sixty s, that's why they're just now finding out that they got brothers and sisters scattered all over the country because Mama stayed with Big, big Ma stayed with Big PA, and Big PA had three different households full of kids. And because Grandpa saw Big Paul, grandpa had two households full of kids. Right. And the kids didn't know about each other until somebody died
Kristi James
@KayK · 4:58
But for me, the deal breakers are cheating and lying and disrespect. Now, when you're cheating and you're lying, there's disrespect, period. But calling people out their name. Look, I'm going to put it like this. My mom and dad was together in high school, and they was married for, I believe, about 32 years. They divorced none. My mom at that time was a teacher. She's retired. Now
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:44
Or if you were in a marriage where you saw, yeah, there were some ups and downs, but your parents, they stayed together, or maybe they weren't your parents, maybe there was somebody you knew and they stayed together and they talk to you and tell you about how they did it, right? You may stay
