Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00

Male and Female God created them. That’s it and that’s all!!!

But they feel like they're a man, so they try to act like a man and they have mannerisms like a man and they dress like a man. But then that wasn't enough. So now men feel like they're women. And so now they have to start taking estrogen because now they want boobs. And the women, they start taking testosterone because they don't want boobs. They want a chest. They want pectorals. And I'm simplifying it, but I'm going somewhere

#society #culture #alternatelifestyles #lies #truth

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:59
But now you have transgender, and now you have to be careful when you go in the bathroom because you never know who's in the bathroom with you. Now you have men who are genuine men and who were born men, and they are men and they're proud to be men. Now, you have them being bashed and you have them being called hateful names because they're saying, if you in fact have male parts, it doesn't matter what you make up your outside to look like
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:24
A man who says he's a woman is now telling women that you can't say you're a woman because woman has nothing to do with your female parts. Just think about that. And I'm pretty sure the women's movement, the women's lib, I'm pretty sure that movement covered men telling women what to do. Pretty sure that did. And then think about this. Put this one in your crow and chew on it
