Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:11

How Do You Allow The Sun?

How do you allow the sun? I am starting a new series where I'm going to be chatting with artists, creatives activists, teachers, all kinds of amazing humans, on how they share and shine their unique light on the world, how they keep going after they've been burnt, and how they they allow the sun. I'm going to let folks answer that however they want


Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 4:16
So the same way I feel that it's important to surrender when you are going through any turbulence or any issue in your life where you feel that this is the end, there are doubts and insecurities in our minds. And just like everyone else, I have my weaknesses, my inner demons that have to fight every day. And yeah, I keep getting that gentle push from time to time that restores my faith and it allows me to stay connected with the source or you could even call it the sun
Cheryle Kay
@Cher · 4:36

#beautiful #life #sunshinestateofmind #surrender #soakitin #sunshinesmile

There's a scripture that I know that says weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning. So in that darkness, that dark time that we feel, there is the break of dawn and there is that place when the sun starts to rise even in our hearts. So I just love this in so many ways because I literally love the actual feeling of the sunlight
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:34
And we teach my daughter to appreciate everybody, because everybody has the potential to break the fourth wall here. So maybe that's what I'm here for? I just want to help people. I want to help people feel good about themselves and feel motivated and feel strong and feel empowered. I feel like we just have more people like that. The rest of the world is just going to feel better and things are going to get better. So, yeah. Allow that sun to shine
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:56
And so they're not going to do that for you. And so that's what I've decided to do, to be my authentic self. I've said it and it's actually my hashtag after we were encouraged to do trending hashtags for our swell brand. So my healing out loud hashtag I'm living out loud. Healing out loud. This is what it looks like a survivor navigating life. And this is how I allow the sun
Catherine Sheffield
@Cat_Sheffield · 1:15


There are listeners here that are allowing the sun to shine on me by virtue of sharing their beautiful experiences and wisdom. I'm hoping to do the same and bring some emotional, sunny warmth to my listeners. I'm so glad to be a part of this community
