Diana Jorda
@All2beholdyou · 4:58

Side Hustles of an informal artist

I was actually steeped in a healing experience for myself and out of that came a lot of painting that I had done to really express what was going on and it ended up forming kind of a stylistic and so when I posted on social media I paired it with a little bit of poetry. I ended up getting some really positive feedback and even some DMs of people asking me, hey can you Commission something for me?

#sidehustles #creatives #artists #fun

J Wang
@jsmwang · 2:19
And also I will say that it does bring creativity and kind of freshness to my life, because whenever I get these gigs, I kind of just arrive at the location not knowing anything, not really knowing what to expect, what kind of shots I'm going to get. And then when I'm there, I can really just be in the moment and connect with my creativity because everything else in film, for me personally, it's so planned. Everything's all pre planned
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 3:28
Hey, Diana, thank you so much for making this swell. I think that it's amazing to have this discussion for artists all around doing multiple different things because for so many people, the artist's life can be feast or famine. And whether we like that or not, the more we adhere to that, the more we create that right. So it's interesting to have this discussion and involve artists of all sorts of mediums because it is important
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 4:23


And recently, this past couple of years, I've stepped away from full time teaching and I've been doing more teaching artists work. So I work for a bunch of different schools and I have to do other work as well on the side. So I've been dipping my toes in a lot of different things, so it's been really scary, but also really exciting and liberating and such a practice and trust. I really appreciate you sharing your stories. I feel less alone in it
Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 4:51
My financial advisor is like, why do you this isn't a hobby. I was like, no, I'm a professional. I get paid for this. I just don't make a whole lot of money. A busy year for me is twelve gigs a year, one a month. That's super busy for me. And it's satisfying. It scratches the itch because for me, the importance is not product, it's not service, and it's not income
Wren .
@aBirdieOnaWire · 4:55
We decided that's what we were going to do, and we let the organizers know, yeah, we're interested. So we were committed and we had three months to try and learn how to play together and learn songs where we wouldn't embarrass ourselves. Well, it turned out we were pretty well received. It was a lot of fun. We had people come out to us and compliment us on our set. So we kept playing
Diana Jorda
@All2beholdyou · 1:35
Oh, my goodness. Wren. I just erupted in laughter when you were talking about feeling like you've made it when they started paying you in beer. I feel think I would have shared the deep sentiments of such an exchange. What a transaction. Yeah, I think that definitely, like you said, connects to some of the earlier conversations, especially with Tim. What is the purpose? What is the incentivization of doing something that you find is your passion. You have great joy in it
Diana Jorda
@All2beholdyou · 4:06
Hey, Tim, great topic. Just, you know, what do you call that just detour? Great flip of the question. I too have wrestled with much of those thoughts, thoughts about what is the overall purpose of what I'm doing? Is it just to kind of chase the ideal situation, the ideal circumstance that art as a vehicle would get you to? And I think what you're saying is it's not so much that your craft is the vehicle, but it is the thing itself
Matilda Mubiru
@Musing_Matilda · 3:00


You know, whether through the comments and everything, I have found myself more interested in building a life where it's not necessarily focused on having a career or like a career path where I'm able to build a life for myself, where I get to explore all of the different things that I'm interested in. And I think that there is a very clear to me creative path or like a road of creativity that is a part of my journey. Maybe I shouldn't even say a road
