Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 4:53

"Red Flags"-Have We Taken It Too Far?

Because yesterday I was listening to I was rather watching a video interview of a couple of people and they were basically discussing relationships and someone stated that they notice characteristics X-Y-Z in their partner, in their ex partner rather, and they decided that it's not worth it. But the other person was of the opinion that no person is perfect and completely discarding someone or discarding a relationship with someone based on what social media states are the red flags in a person

#redflags #socialmedia #askswell

Nidhin George đź”·
@geo_rhymes · 4:50


I will just go back on the app and I can immediately find more people to talk to or to meet. And this plethora of options out there basically does not. I mean, it means that nobody has to put an effort beyond what is the bare minimum. So are we as human beings and our human relationships being downgraded to the bare minimum, that if it doesn't work out with the bare minimum effort, then it's not going to work out at all?
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 3:30
Hi Aishani. That's quite an interesting topic that you have brought up for the day. And I do agree with you that simply on the basis of these red flags of various warning signs which are issued by the social media platform and they keep on telling us that if you get to see such kind of traits, negative traits in your relationship, whether it's with your partner, your spouse, your friends or with your relatives, XYZ, whatever
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

sanjay mittal
@Sanjay_mittal · 4:22

#life #balance #equations #redflags

Hi. Yes, thank you for the invite. I heard this out and I think you have gone into something which is quite pertinent. Today. We are so much guided by social media that we tend to sway from left to right, from top to bottom too fast. We put our barriers. So my basic content mentioned always is that we are all individuals and we need to have this balance. If you like something, if you like somebody, go for it. But just keep your balance
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 3:26


And if one doesn't really have that sort of patience, then the smallest of frictions will seem like a big bold red flag. And people do let things go based on even the smallest of problems. So yeah, that's the thing. I mean, in a way, it has definitely let people explore the different options that are out there, explore different people and maybe find a better match for themselves. When it especially comes to the dating world and relationships, it has also normalized
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:04


And I think that's also a very important characterist tip a very important quality that is involved in a relationship between two people. Basically. Yeah, that's the thing that if we pick up each and every flaw in a person or each and every nuance of a person that we perceive as a flaw and think of it as a red flag, then that can really become a problem in the long run
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:08


Hey, Sanjay. Balance indeed is very essential. And given that in today's world, we have so many choices and we have so many ways of finding friends, finding partners, and sometimes the path can get a bit skewed, our perceptions can get a bit skewed. But yes, we need to understand for ourselves what are the situations that we need to avoid
Healing Vibes By Neety
@Healingvibes · 5:00
At the same time, I would like to point out that if at all there are certain things that you do not agree with the other person or in a certain situation, then it is better to point out those mistakes or situations, discuss those situations there and then with those people, rather than marking them out in open in the social media. And I really think taking stand for oneself without being too dependent on external references and point of views is really important there
Santhoshi Choradia
@Santhoshi_1990 · 5:00


Hi, Aishani. How are you? Thank you so much for inviting me in this great topic red flags have you taken it too far? May explain this topic in Tamil. So I can feel more comfortable to say to express more words about it. Okay. See actually red flags silver pukuri in both even on friendship or and wife relationship or ex partner spouse. Anything. Okay, mom we have mixed emotions. Emotions
@Qyra · 4:40
You know, it is a catchy word and we are just, sometimes we get caught into the fancy terminologies and we get into the trap and spoiler relationship. I think, you know, these terms will come and go, but if there is some. But if there is a relationship which is extremely good for you and you just, in the name of red flag, you just ignore that and you just let it go. It may not be a very good idea
Dr Partha Pratim Chakraborty
@TravelProfessor · 2:31
Which would essentially mean that for me love is like a table of two. It's very difficult that you will not know a table of 2212-122-4226 for your partner. It has turned into a table of 14. Which. Let's face it, we all find it difficult after perhaps 14 into 570. So that's. That's something which. Which we all tend to have a situation. But one of the biggest problem as what you just said is that we tend to say that red flag. Okay
