mpilo thabethe
@Acey · 5:00

I just wanna travel

So that's one of my biggest wishes, just to go out it's see things, go to Asia, go to Europe, go to America, go to South America, go to African countries, go to the islands. I literally want to travel the world. I feel like most of my money I'm going to spend on other nice things. But a lot of my money is to going go to savings to just travel. Honestly, I just have this

#southAfrica #acey #travel

Taylor J
@Taylor · 3:00
What's going on. AC I loved your post because, you know, traveling is a really important thing to do, and it's great that you're acknowledging that. And it sounds like you're doing a lot to make it happen. You know, whether it's actively saving for your trip or you're applying for positions and other places, honestly, that is the best advice that I can give you, is those things
mpilo thabethe
@Acey · 1:44


Taylor. I remember you're the arsenal guy and I'm the Chelsea guy. You guys do preseason recline dog like yeah. Travel is just something that's just been on my agenda. I world just take your advice, you know what I mean? Just to save up. Also like read a lot, watch YouTube videos. It's more on my horizon as much as I can online or books or whatever. But once I have enough money, definitely I'm going to travel the world
