Can empathy be mistaken for love?

Sometimes in a room full of people, you meet someone and you start having a conversation and one one thing leads to another and there is a lot of common connect between you and the person. And this common connect somewhere makes that person feel extremely comfortable. The conversation goes on. We exchange numbers, we speak on WhatsApp we speak on the phone. But the connection there is a level of comfort, a level of empathy. Two separate journeys

#love #forgive #empathy #acceptance

Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 4:01
Sometimes you can't read everybody's mind and subconsciously if you lead someone on and then say oh, I was not thinking that way, it's also maybe something for you to look into as well. That is the communication coming across too empathetic from your side which could come across to the other person as well. Maybe if there was no interest then why would someone share so much of warmth and deep insights and experiences? So there's no one size fits all
Anant Vajpeyi
@anant.vajpeyi · 4:00
So when we talk to someone who has a similar story and who is still thriving and you get that feeling that finally there is someone who can understand what I have been through and who share a similar story because see, everyone has a different story, everyone completely has a different life. Your sufferings might be different, mine might be different
