Abantika Mukherjee
@abantikaxo3 · 2:26

What is the future of crypto currency

Emerging cryptocurrency regulations by government across the world formalizing the industry lowering risk associated with crypto investment. The emergence of central bank digital currency or CBDC Bitcoin, begin being compared to gold as a store of value. Innovative developments such as decentralized finance and non fungible tokens or NFT tokens are there in the market. There is increasing adoption as governments across the world have started regulating the cryptocurrency industry and India too is embracing regulations in the crypto space

#crypto #bitcoin #sayitonswell #campusvoices #learn

yashasvi Gupta
@yeswithyashi · 0:52
I guess the future is now about cryptocurrency. Like in 90s it was about stocks, but now it's about cryptocurrency because I see a shift, a gradual shift from people's point of view, from stocks to cryptocurrency. And the people who are locked into stocks are now welcoming cryptocurrency. But the government comes here, they keep 30% as a tax of your profit that you make from cryptocurrency. And loss is your Kilowatt, according to me, is very high
Shashank Sehgal
@SSS135 · 1:18
So cryptocurrency is something which should be decentralized, actually, it should not be controlled by anyone. But except that I think cryptocurrency is definitely going to have a boom
