Aastha Sharma
@aasthasharma · 4:33

FEMINISM IN INDIA- Misconceptions and stereotypes

And the reason why I think feminism is being hyped up in today's world and getting attention is because till now many of us have no clue about it, no single definition. Even when people are aware of feminism, they hold a lot of misconceptions. It is true that conditions of females are much better now. However, many females are still oppressed. They get Harris sexualized for wearing certain type of clothes, face domestic violence and do not get equal wages

#firstswell #swellcast #collegevoiceindia #swell #Feminism #feminisminIndia #swellforlife #emancipationofwomen

Avneet .
@avneet_ · 0:37
Hi. Aastha. Thank you so much for educating us on such an important and, as you might say, the delicate topic of feminism. Because it has the word in itself, has a lot of stereotype and misconceptions just rooted to it. Because people and how they would do anything to pull down women, which is quite sad, considering we are in the 21st century. So I'm really glad you covered all these pointers
Hayah Khan
@Hayah4Khan · 1:02

#swellcast #collegevoiceindia

Hi, Aastha. Julie lady as well. And also the topic that you chose for it. Thank you for bringing up feminism, which is the need of the hour. I think in India there are a lot of misconceptions, as you said, about feminism. It has taken in a lot more negative sense than it should be
