Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:55

More to the Mystique of the Mona Lisa

article image placeholderResearchers Have Discovered a Hidden Drawing Behind ‘Mona Lisa’
Hello, happy Monday morning. So there is some news from the art world. The mystique surrounding the monolithe among Leonardo DA Vinci's most popular verbs seems to have one more reason to thrive. Scientist Pascal Court has discovered a hidden drawing beneath the painting with the help of his very high resolution, highly sensitive, multi spectral camera


Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:48
I just finished reading the article, and I love the perspective it takes with this finding about how maybe it would be more enriching if we focus us more on the mystery and the process of creation here rather than just the glory of a masterpiece and a reminder as well that all artists go through a process and don't just suddenly create a masterpiece, but that it requires many sort of iterations and trying and perhaps even failing to achieve what may be done by comes like an iconic work. So super cool