Devin Young m
@VTAcademy · 4:38

Versatile Training Academy- Swell #1

Making sure that you have a well designed and a well structured warm up is going to make a difference in how you perform that day on your physical activity, exercise or gym session. One thing that we like to use is kind of our plug and play approach where we start off with our thermal. Part of our warm up. Our thermal is going to be what's going to get us warm, what's going to get us sweaty

Coach Young gives some insight on how to better structure your warm up before workouts. #strengthtraining #fitness #firstswell

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:29
I totally appreciate this information and it's actually something that I didn't learn until way too late how important a warm up is. And then I had to learn how to find a warm up that suited me and my needs, and it's a total game changer. So thank you so much for sharing this information and I'm so tuned in to hear more and to learn more. So, yeah, thank you so much and and welcomed as well