Good In Bad days

Hi, guys. Just a random thought that popped up in my brain. So just asking you guys randomly do you all see the good and the bad days? S do you all see good in the bad? And if you do, how do you do that? Let me know in the replies. Take care of yourself

Do you see the "Good" in the "Bad" days ?

Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopraย ยทย 2:21
Hi Vinit, thanks for inviting me. It's indeed a thought provoking topic. And yes, I see the good in the bad days even because every hardest days contain lessons that help us make a better person. So if I'm having a bad day, I don't think that the things will never get better up. In fact, I keep reminding myself that tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity to improve my life
Hello, Pragati. Thank you so much for such a positive, such a vibrant and such an impromptu reply to my cell that asked if we see good in bad days or if we see good in bad times. And I totally agree with your point of view. And I totally agree with whatever you said. That such a positive approach to words a day one can have