Vikas Gupta
@Vikas · 3:03

Talking about the book Outlive by Peter Attia

article image placeholderVikas and Arish | Podast with Friends
And what he does is he spends time talking to doctors and scientists and goes into a lot of, I would say, detail, technical detail of that. Technical is the right word, or medical detail, if you will, of everything when it comes to longevity. But maybe longevity is not the right word, but it's living healthier as you age is

#VikasPodWithFriends #scpvpwfp1 @arish https://s.swell.life/SUC9znpcrPtxK9j #BookReview

Arish Ali
@arish · 0:22


Hey Vikas, thank you for the recommendation. I had actually come across this book recently and I've been thinking whether to kind of add it to my list and read or not. And then when I heard your post on it, it made up my mind so I just ordered it. I should have the book in a couple of days and I'll definitely read up on it and then hopefully I can have a more intelligent conversation with you about it. Thank you