Ravi Verma
@verra02 · 3:43

Wabi Sabi principle

I mean, if my oldest pair of jeans are more valuable to me than the newest one, because the oldest one has its own flexibility, it has me written all over it, the way it fits the things that I've done along with it. It has its own story. So the same goes for the battle scars, right? Some may look at the scars and say, hey, it's ugly. But some may look at it and say, those are the battle scars

#Japanese #wabisabi #leadership #simplicity and #beauty

@DTalks · 0:58
So I guess it's all about how people look at things and what it is that they want to focus on. Matter of perception, like I said. But anyways, my two cent on that, and this was very beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Have a great day. Bye