bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 2:05

Solar Farms for 1.5 Million Chinese

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Solar farms erected in the Gobi Desert are set to power 1.5 million. Chinese households hear about it at Urban Legends and Stranger Truths. Aside from teacups and rice bowls, China doesn't do anything on a small scale. To wit their recently completed solar array in Ningxia Hua in Gargantuan. Capable powerings of 1.5 million homes. Billed as 1 million capacity and capable of generating 1.8 billion kilowatt hours per year

#NingxiaHui #solar #kilowatts #Gobi #Tengger #Taklamakan #ChinaEnergy #Hunan #Fiveyearplan #solar #wind #Xinjiang #deserts #coal #electricty
