Unity Eagle
@UnityEagle · 2:49

Dutch conversation between me and my 12 year old about buying games in the AppStore

Dancing building fasting, fasting

#dutch #kidsonswell #parenting

Tales From The Truck
@ColinFlynn · 2:08

My strange perception.

They were in the country where they grew up there, and they were there when the Nazis occupied and left a couple of years afterwards because my wife's grandmother was having issues trying to get pregnant, and the doctors told her it's because the food that was available for a couple of years after the war was not nutritious enough, and they weren't getting enough food and they needed to go somewhere. So they flipped a coin between Australia and America and ended up coming here
Unity Eagle
@UnityEagle · 0:47


Hey, Colin, that's not strange at all. And above all, I do think I'm an older woman. Mentally. No, I'm still a teenager. But physically, yes, definitely. And you know what? But I think at least it counts for me. When I talk to kids, I adjust my voice a little like I'm a younger person. And when I'm talking to adults, I don't