Tiffaney Brown
@Unique41 · 2:35

Lets talk about it

You do not taste none of the vegetables that you have in your diet for today. You're very healthy. It gives you good energy. Some apples, slices of apples, whatever you choose to put in your smoothie. And different ones for different days of the week, week. So let me know what you think and what would you put in your smoothie?

#Lets talk about it

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:14
And there's so much stuff that you can put in your smoothie these days. There's, like, vitamins and different I don't know, natural stuff that is good. I don't know why it's blowing my mind so much to, like, you're able to make getting all these nutrients, like, a really nice and flavorful and fun thing. So yeah, thank you for that
Tiffaney Brown
@Unique41 · 2:03


It. Hey, I got the response that you sent. And no, you're welcome. Absolutely. I'm telling you, whatever it is that's nasty that you do not like, but you definitely need these vitamins and nutrients in your system every day, a part of your diet